Looking back is always helpful Gorgeous, ignore anyone who tells you it isn't!

Published on 3 December 2023 at 16:36

Happy December to you Gorgeous,

We are now on the home straight! We have moved into winter here in the UK. I joked at the beginning of the year that someone must have read my joining instructions incorrectly; I don't think I was designed to live in a cold climate! But here I am.
Perhaps my lesson is to move to somewhere more suitable, like the geese. Maybe I should be sailing south for the winter months. Definitely something to consider!

November was the last of the autumn months, and with it brought a lot of firsts for me.
There was the Book Launch for 'Divorce Matters' and a New Healing Therapy I created (that I still haven't launched properly).

I discovered that The MindFuckery Podcast was now in the top 5 in FeedSpot's ranking of Emotional Abuse Podcasts, and that I had inadvertently written a dictionary. I spoke about this on my podcast. I had been listening to the Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Recovery Podcast, and the host was interviewing Sam Vaknin, who was listing the terms around Narcissistic Abuse. The host said to him, 'If only there was a dictionary of the terms.' I did one of those cartoon triple head shakes and thought, 'There is.' That is exactly what I wrote with The A to Z of Emotional Abuse.

I rounded off the month (or perhaps I kicked off December) by meeting up with a divorce consultant. Our paths crossed accidentally six years ago when I was being interviewed on a radio show for my book 'Finding Lily,' and she met the radio host for coffee before the show. We started chatting, and we each purchased the other's books.

She provided support during my divorce. Unfortunately, Diana couldn't attend the book launch due to illness. But as we caught up and shared stories, she delved into 'Divorce Matters' and loved it. She mentioned that it would benefit her clients; she loved the 'short' questions because, due to the abuse and trauma, she pointed out that they can't focus for long.

She was also very amused by the podcast name, saying, 'Yes, people need reminding of the mind games.
I explained to her the healing that can happen. And I talked her through Grounding and Breathing and talking to the pain.


It is healthy to look back!
I hear so many people offering really poor advice. I see comments in groups that say, 'Just move on' or 'show them what they are missing'.

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